Professoren und Doktoranden der Chiang Mai Universität zu Besuch in der SMF

Am Montag, den 18. Oktober besuchten Professoren und Doktoranden der Chiang Mai Universität aus Thailand das Smart Mini Factory Labor für Industrie 4.0 der Freien Universität Bozen. Die Forscher des Labors stellten verschiedene Technologien zur Unterstützung der Digitalisierung in Betrieben vor. Der Forschungsaufenthalt der thailändischen Professoren und Doktoranden stärkt die Zusammenarbeit der beiden Universitäten und neue Forschungsgemeinsamkeiten können definiert werden. Während praktischen Demonstrationen und einer anschließenden Gesprächsrunde wurden neue Ideen diskutiert, wie künftig auch kleine Unternehmen von den Vorteilen der Industrie 4.0 profitieren können.

Smart Mini Factory auf der Bernstein Konferenz 2021

Bei der diesjährigen Bernstein-Konferenz 2021 sind auch Südtirols Wissenschaftseinrichtungen, der NOI Techpark, das Institut für Biomedizin der Eurac und die Freie Universität Bozen mit dem Smart Mini Factory Lab sowie der Fakultät für Informatik mit einem virtuellen Stand vertreten. Den Link zu dem Artikel finden Sie am Ende dieser Seite.

Presentation of ETAT during ICARUS project meeting in Bucharest, Romania

On Monday September 20th 2021 Dr. Erwin Rauch presented the ETAT project during a project meeting in Romania in the Erasmus+ project “ICARUS – An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to EffeCtively AddRess the EUropean InduStry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches”. The project ETAT aims to establish teaching laboratories for Automation 4.0 in six Thai universities around Bangkok and to organize training events and material for teacher and students in Thailand. The project ICARUS produced a comprehensive Compendium and teaching material regarding Industry 4.0 technologies and concepts and is realizing a mobile training unit for teaching Industry 4.0. The […]

Presentation of SME 4.0 during ICARUS project meeting in Bucharest, Romania

On Monday September 20th 2021 Dr. Erwin Rauch presented the SME 4.0 project during a project meeting in Romania in the Erasmus+ project “ICARUS – An Innovative Higher Education Institution Training Toolbox to EffeCtively AddRess the EUropean InduStry 4.0 Skills Gap and Mismatches”. The project ETAT aims to establish teaching laboratories for Automation 4.0 in six Thai universities around Bangkok and to organize training events and material for teacher and students in Thailand. The project SME 4.0 is analyzing requirements and solutions for introducing Industry 4.0 in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The discussion brought lot of ideas for […]


What makes the South Tyrolean economy unique in an international comparison? The following short film will video offer you insights on the various aspects of the South Tyrolean economy.   Did you enjoy this video? If so, you should consider visiting the website of the Institute of economic research. IER | Institute for economic research South Tyrol (

Prof. David Cochran at Summer School on Axiomatic Design

We are very grateful to have David Cochran from Purdue University as guest lecturer in our Summer School “Design of Complex Systems and AI in Design” teaching our students sustainable design of manufacturing systems and the MSDD approach. The first day of the Summer School took place on July 13, 2021 with a first introduction on Axiomatic Design by Dr. Erwin Rauch and the lecture about MSDD by Prof. David Cochran.

Virtual Reality to support Digital Factory Planning

During the course “Factory and plant planning” of the bachelor’s degree Industrial and Mechanical Engineering (L-9) together with the company Plavis GmbH – visTABLE® we developed a project work where students have to design and plan a factory for the production of furniture. The planning is than validated by the students in Virtual Reality by using equipment of the Smart Mini Factory laboratory. The video shows the main steps to set up the Virtual Reality equipment to support Digital Factory Planning.

Virtual Lab Tour – corso BUILD UP finanziato da FSE

Virtual Lab Tour per i partecipanti del corso FSE “Build Up” organizzato di Change Soc. Coop. dimostrando nuove tecnologie di Industria 4.0 e il loro utilizzo nel mondo industriale e di edilizia. Il corso ha come obiettivo la formazione di pittori e pittrici edili con competenze specifiche nell’ambito della pittura e della costruzione a secco, con particolare attenzione alla bioedilizia. I partecipanti che potranno accedere al presente progetto sono stranieri Extra-EU che ricadono nella definizione di vulnerabili come previsto dall’Avviso. Il questo corso il Dr. Erwin Rauch e Dr. Patrick Dallasega insieme allo staff di Smart Mini Factory hanno introdotto […]

Smart Mini Factory entra a far parte dei NOI Labs

Nella riunione del 13 aprile, il Consiglio del NOI ha unanimamente deciso di includere il laboratorio Smart Mini Factory della Libera UniversitĂ  di Bolzano fra i NOI Labs. La Smart Mini Factory contribuisce così ad ampliare i punti di contatto fra il NOI e le aziende locali, per fornire supporto attivo a progetti di ricerca e innovazione. La Smart Mini Factory non solo sosterrĂ  le aziende nell’ulteriore formazione e qualificazione dei loro dipendenti, ma agirĂ  anche come partner per il trasferimento tecnologico nel campo dell’Industria 4.0, della trasformazione digitale e dell’automazione. Di conseguenza, le aziende potranno beneficiare del bonus “NOI […]

Panel on Big Data in Advanced Manufacturing

With nearly 100 registered audience the EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH)’s Advanced Manufacturing Digital Panel on the topic “Importance of Big Data in Advanced Manufacturing” successfully kicked-off last Friday! A great webinar with the panelists Tiago Peralta Santos, CEO of Muvu Technologies, Dr. Erwin Rauch, Head of Smart Mini Factory at Freie Universität Bozen and Lin Kayser, CEO of Hyperganic Group and EU Tech´s Advanced Manufacturing Council Chair, sharing valuable knowledge on the field of Advanced Manufacturing. EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH) Chairman Florian von Tucher gaves an inspirational introduction, and Federico Gonzalez de Aledo, Director of Advanced Manufacturing Council was leading […]